I have some important messages for those of you at home that it's best I make clear now.
1) I have a google tan.
No, it's not some kind of weird facial disease. Yes, I realise it's pretty bad. Hopefully with a few days to get used to this idea you'll all be OK with it when I arrive and we won't need to go over it in detail every time I see someone.
2) Yes I really did go skiing here THE WHOLE TIME. No, I didn't visit volcanoes or have moving cultural experiences.
3) No, I'm not going to Australian Mixed Ultimate Championships. Not even a little tiny bit. Unless it snows in Melbourne.
4) If I don't get time to see everyone, you can rest assured that I've prioritised the people I do get to see in minute detail and that you missing out means you're a long way down on the list of things I care about. It has nothing at all to do with me being disorganised and suffering from a weird facial disease.
5) Unfortunately, I'm not coming home with the hat in that photo.
I never knew Google had extended their reach into controlling the places the sun shines...